
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Knitting Update

I've been lax on posting about it, but some knitting has been done this summer.
As usual, gifts actually get finished. The first one was a Pinwheel Blanket with a lace edging (Plymouth Dreambaby dk) for a friend's new daughter, born in July. It's a varigated pink-blue-yellow, with a cream edging. Fun to knit, though the couple dozen rows seemed endless. If I make it again, I might do worsted wt instead of dk.
The 2nd FO just shipped out yesterday - a cotton hat for my cousin's new daughter, born in March. Friends are so much more immediate than cousins. I have 16 cousins on my mom's side, and while I like them, I don't see them very often. This cousin and his family live in the San Francisco area, so I spent some time trying to come up with something to make that was smaller than a blanket, and appropriate for the climate. The pattern is quite descriptively titled "Children's Cotton Hats" from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, made in Plymouth Fantasy Naturale (fancy name for a cotton yarn). The bear didn't cooperate so well as a model, but I was in a hurry to send it off, before the child's head got any bigger than it already must be.
The Lizard Ridge blanket has been languishing in the heat. The blocks are done, three of the columns are sewn together, and then it just got too hot to sit around sewing a wool blanket together.
That leaves the two current projects, the Lady Eleanor (from Scarf Style) in Silk Garden,
And yet another baby blanket in Cascade Kaleidoscope dk. I found this nice denim colored yarn last winter while working out of town & staying in Oneonta. They have a nice yarn store there (Knitting it All Together, 175 Main St). They are friendly, have a nice selection of yarn, and share their space with a natural food store.
Perhaps more later, about hilarious letters from health insurance companies...


Blogger Bashirs Momma said...

More posts! Fall is almost here, so blog updates, please?

9:28 PM  

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