Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Here there be Pancakes! And Waffles!
In honor of my dear friend Stephen, Mama Steve's House of Pancakes. We've seen at least 6 Pancake and/or Waffle places in the Williamsburg vicinity. Most hawk both pancakes and waffles, but some only one. Are these holdouts to the days before pancake/waffle alliance?
And now, belated thank you's for Christmas presents.
DVP kindly sent me this lovely skein of yarn from her lys (which we visited last Feb). It has a funny little frizzy spot after I left it on the couch overnight. I think one of the cats took it as her (or his, but probably her, the girl cat has a thing for natural fibers, esp. alpaca) new best friend.
K's sis gave me 4 skeins of alpaca yarn (2 skeins in each of these 2 colors), so now I'm thinking about what to make with it (the above try did not work out). An alpaca hat sounds lovely, but 4 skeins will make more than one hat. Hat & gloves? Still thinking.
One hat pattern I've been looking at is Elinor's awesome Winter Sunrise . In addition to loving her choice of colors, I also really like with the way she worked the decreases out with the pattern to make that great X at the top. Another great 2-color hat pattern is Hello Yarn's "We Call Them Pirates" hat. But I think I can see myself wearing winter sunrise more.
Also found this week: Morehouse Farm's Dragon Scarf. They could use some more color choices for the kit, not that we're limited to the kits.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Knitting? Oh right - that!
So, what have I been up to?
There were Koigu scarves for K's mom & sis, which turned out quite well. But did I remember to take a photo of them? No, I did not. DC made a beautiful scarf in the same pattern that she did record.
There were felted bowls. I made the first one (darker blue on right) for a present, then decided I liked it & would rather keep it. It's the key-holder by the door now. Then, I wanted to make a couple more, so I did pink & light blue for K's neices, to wrap up with the small jewelry presents I already had for them. So gratifying to impress the 11& 13 yo's - "You made this?! Wow!" I'm happier with the shapes of the two blues; I think I cast on too loosely on the pink one. Following splindarella's suggestions from November 2006 One Skein Knit-Along, I used Paton's SWS (soy & wool) doubled, and did 3 ridges of garter at the beginning to keep the top from rolling. The SWS has a nice sheen to it.
Harking back to pre-Christmas days, a thanks to AZK for the knitted purse book! The examples in the book make a bit more use of eyelash yarn than seems healthful, but of course the eyelash is not obligatory.
My lovely orchid is blooming & making the whole living room smell kind of like a spicy, flowery vanilla. A payoff for my practice of buying orchids at Lowe's after they've lost their flowers & been marked down to $1.
Next post: Williamsburg in January?